Providing to women throughout their unplanned pregnancy

The San Antonio Pregnancy Care Center provides a Christ-centered plan for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies, by offering free clinical services, referrals, material aid, decision counseling and parenting support programs.

We provide compassionate care and practical help to empower women to choose life-affirming options for their pregnancies. Your support makes this possible.

Our Center has been serving the community of San Antonio since 1981. We are a non-profit, non-denominational faith based 501(c)(3) Christian organization. We do not receive or accept any government funds and are solely supported by donations from churches, individuals, businesses and fundraising events.

“I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land….”

Ezekiel 22:30 NIV

Support Mothers and Families

through the San Antonio Pregnancy Care Center

Your direct, financial support allows us to continue our mission of reaching and rescuing those struggling with unplanned pregnancies.


We have continuous needs for diapers, baby hygiene products, maternity clothing, baby clothing, strollers, swings, crib sheets & blankets.

A Trusted Resource

The Pregnancy Care Center has been serving the community of San Antonio since 1981. Our mission is to provide a Christ-centered plan for unplanned pregnancies.

Client Visits

Over fifteen hundred visits were made to the Center in 2022.  We served 878 new clients for clinical services, peer counseling, parenting programs, and baby born gifts. 

Baby Care Items
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Clients earned $12,800 worth of baby care items through our Earn-While-You-Learn parenting programs.

Pregnancy Tests

Women were served in 2022 with a free pregnancy test. On average, 50% of these women were considering or planning to terminate their pregnancy.


Total number of ultrasounds given in 2022 to confirm pregnancy. We often see a change of mind and a baby saved, when the life of an unborn child is pictured on the screen.

Lives Saved

In 2022, the Center confirmed that 204 Babies’ Lives were saved from abortion. What a blessing to know that these children will celebrate their FIRST birthday this year.


Be a part of life change in the lives of mothers and families.


Be a part of life change in the lives of mothers and families.